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Evidence For June 15Th 2007

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I got a RFE to prove that I was present in the US on June 15th 2007. In my orignal application I included documents to show I was present in the US in 2007. However I was not able to find a piece of document that shows I was present on the exact date. I took a year and a half off from college between August 2006 and January 2008, therefore I don't have any school records during this time. I don't know what to send them... Please advice, Thanks...

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I agree with RR take a minute and think really hard of what you did that year, any subscriptions like gym, Xbox live, eBay, PayPal? Here is a posting from Splif hope it helps

Gezinha, I don't know if this would help but here it goes ...

If you have any type store cards, for example CVS,Safe Way, Giant, rite aid etc ... and you used it to make purchases at any time, you could call the companies corporate office to get your purchase history. I know for fact CVS keeps all its customers purchase history in some type of database because I use to work for them, and we used to tell customers who wants to get reimbursed for their medical related purchases from their health insurance company. If they say no, make sure you insist or ask them to escalate the call to upper managements.

You have lots other options as well. Don't let the RFE discourage you. Good luck

Good luck :D

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Try any bank statements

Purchase receipt s

Facebook check ins

Video game statement

Online purchases like, ebay, amazon, walmart or paypal

Redbox transaction s

Speeding tickets


Affidavit s or recommendation letters

Dude try everything, dont loose hope.

Good luck!

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Doesn't really have to be the exact date, but it is recommended.

I sent proof of the 14th and 16th using bank statements. For some unknown reason I purchased items on the 14 and 16, but not the 15th.. go figure.

Anything that has your name and address will work.

Roadrunner gave awesome advice.

Let us know how it goes.

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