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so I noticed getting sick since I found out about my lawyers unproffesional work with my daca application..I been way too stressed getting stuffs together from scratch for him to send back with my rfe....I know I should get my self together and be strong for me and my family but this has affected me way too much...I started with not being able to sleep to nightmares then thinking too much about my application then migraines....all of a sudden I'm all tired...sleepy. ..I'm not hungry...and I feel sick. ..I wish all tgis was over

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It is really stressful! Specially when you see people getting approved everyday and you're still waiting. But just pray to god to give you the strength to keep going and it will all be worth it in the end!

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Hey i feel u yuly87 me too i had already diagnose with severe depression since i was 14 and I've been taking my meds but recently I've been getting anxiety attacks and my eczema was gotten worst since all of this my family tries to keep me happy and occupy with other things but its hard

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Don't over think it -

When gathering the information for an RFE, let alone the application, one has to be calm and collected. One has to pay attention to detail, double checking everything carefully. If this is done, the chances of approval are very high...

Therefore, don't stress yourself...the stress is only psychological...just live your life as you had been living it, even before knowing you where eligible for DACA...this will make your life much more easier to manage, avoiding any unnecessary stress - this is very, VERY important...

The approval comes when you least expect it...they won't say 'hey, we are going to approve you next week, or tomorrow...' They just approve you and move on...

So, cojelo con take it easy, relax, and breathe...



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Its true we have to be posite and just wait till we get approved im pretty sure is gona be the best feeling ever to check and see that we have been approved

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Thank you guys!! I'm trying to be calm

@Yuly87 I can't imagine having that stress on top of waiting to be approved but its not over until its over. You still have this opportunity just as much as the rest of us so don't let go of that hope! That's what keeps up moving forward in life.

I know everyone says it, but its true: stop thinking about it. You need to decide, ok.... I'm done obsessing. I've done all I can do. I sent in every single piece of information I could. It's now up to them to notify me. It took over 7 months for me... First several months were brutal but when I did the math and realized it could take up to mid-May... I was like, oh helllll no. I'm not going to be this stressed out and miserable until then lol you really have to consciously make the decision to focus on other things in your life. I love you guys and this forum but I even had to take a step back from coming on here so often because it would give me anxiety.

And before I knew it... Random text! It'll happen when you least expect it. The most important thing now if your mental health and happiness! Go on a date girl! Let some cutie pamper you! ;-) ;-)

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Thanks for your words was just very dissapointing finding out about my lawyer not sending my stuff like he should. ..and all my friends getting approved while I got screwed by this lawyer. It hit me all at once and I felt helpless. .I'm a strong person and ill keep my head up high

@Yuly87 I can't imagine having that stress on top of waiting to be approved but its not over until its over. You still have this opportunity just as much as the rest of us so don't let go of that hope! That's what keeps up moving forward in life.

I know everyone says it, but its true: stop thinking about it. You need to decide, ok.... I'm done obsessing. I've done all I can do. I sent in every single piece of information I could. It's now up to them to notify me. It took over 7 months for me... First several months were brutal but when I did the math and realized it could take up to mid-May... I was like, oh helllll no. I'm not going to be this stressed out and miserable until then lol you really have to consciously make the decision to focus on other things in your life. I love you guys and this forum but I even had to take a step back from coming on here so often because it would give me anxiety.

And before I knew it... Random text! It'll happen when you least expect it. The most important thing now if your mental health and happiness! Go on a date girl! Let some cutie pamper you! ;-) ;-)

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@Yuly87 I can't imagine having that stress on top of waiting to be approved but its not over until its over. You still have this opportunity just as much as the rest of us so don't let go of that hope! That's what keeps up moving forward in life.

I know everyone says it, but its true: stop thinking about it. You need to decide, ok.... I'm done obsessing. I've done all I can do. I sent in every single piece of information I could. It's now up to them to notify me. It took over 7 months for me... First several months were brutal but when I did the math and realized it could take up to mid-May... I was like, oh helllll no. I'm not going to be this stressed out and miserable until then lol you really have to consciously make the decision to focus on other things in your life. I love you guys and this forum but I even had to take a step back from coming on here so often because it would give me anxiety.

And before I knew it... Random text! It'll happen when you least expect it. The most important thing now if your mental health and happiness! Go on a date girl! Let some cutie pamper you! ;-) ;-)

...and I almost love you sooo much Colombianita ;)


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...and I almost love you sooo much Colombianita ;)


Hahahahahaha! Your GIFs are so freakin funny :lol:

About to leave to the SS office! OW OW!!!!

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I love you too Colombianita!!! ( and the delicious COFFEEEE from your beautiful Colombia mmmmm...... :)

Haha! Tell me about it!! I'll take a triple quadruple shot espresso with a turbo kick.

I have no idea what a turbo kick is but I'm from the Power Rangers era, so there.

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Haha! Tell me about it!! I'll take a triple quadruple shot espresso with a turbo kick.

I have no idea what a turbo kick is but I'm from the Power Rangers era, so there.

"power rangers era" The best! lol

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Haha! Tell me about it!! I'll take a triple quadruple shot espresso with a turbo kick.

I have no idea what a turbo kick is but I'm from the Power Rangers era, so there.

"power rangers era" The best! lol

Anyone said Power Rangers?

It's Morphin' Time!!!




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