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Welcome to the site. I know what you mean about missing out on jobs. I lived in KY for 5 years until recently moving back home to IL and I met great people that offered me great jobs but was unable to also take due to my status. The best one I missed out on was an opportunity to work for the KY state police drug task force(have to be a citizen) as they need bilingual people out there. I have a good job now but not anywhere near a career. But we always have to keep on trying and never give up.

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I know the feeling, missing out on all that in the past it was hard but the future can only get brighter from here keep striving! And welcome :)

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Welcome to the Forum!

Hopefully, you'll be approved soon so you can fulfill your dreams...

Don't forget about them books!

Cheers, and once again, a warm welcome...


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