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Intial Review Interview Please Help!!!!!!!

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HELLO TODAY 04/27/13 I received a letter from immigration saying that I had a interview scheduled for my I-821 h& I-765 and I had to appear .has any one else have to go to an interview or is it just me ??? I'm freakin out it also says I pretty much have to present the same evidence they ask for when sending ur paper work out proof u were here before 16 nd u were residing here in June 15 can anyone please she'd some light !!!!! Thank u

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HEY mm22806 am KeKe Please stop freaking out everything is going to be ok i promise... my friend receive a letter also to apear at our local immigrataion service to do on interview also...... They just going to go over your application to see if everything you send is legit.....They just went over your case an something came up so they just want to verified everything you send with your application... i hope you copied everything you send because you going to need that and also bring more documents and evidence try bring as much as possible with your name and date on them even if you think you don't need them still take it with you..


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There us nothing to worry about! Take a deep breath 'n say to yourself "I've done nothing wrong"

My lawyer said this interviews are very common 'n just as KeKe said they want to verify the info, if anything is good news, you may ask how much longer it will take.

Relax 'n collect all your documents :D

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Omg thats crazy im getting worried noe

Although these interviews happen, IMO they are not very common (first time I hear about this) need to worry...

There us nothing to worry about! Take a deep breath 'n say to yourself "I've done nothing wrong"

My lawyer said this interviews are very common 'n just as KeKe said they want to verify the info, if anything is good news, you may ask how much longer it will take.

Relax 'n collect all your documents :D

Like @weirdestperson said, collect your thoughts and the documents needed, take additional evidence, make sure you present yourself in professional attire and show the respect they deserve, be confident, and also ask how much longer...don't show them that you are nervous, because nervousness is a sign of weakness...look them straight in the eye, 'yes sir/ma'am, no sir/ma'am,' and everything will work out...

At least you will be able to shed some light into the interview process, and you will be able to share it here for everyone to see...

Also, prepare yourself...luck is for the unprepared...success is for the people that are prepared...and 'guerra avisada no mata soldado (forwarned war does not kill soldiers)'

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Thank u so much guys yes I will take more evidence I will let u guys know for sure it's until June 6

so I have a while

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yes your pay stubs will be good make sure no fake ss# on it.... But to be real with you your school records is the best evidence to take with you thats what my friend just told me to tell you she said just be on time and answer all question and smile

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Well I have my college Transcripts nd my elementary nd Jr high ask ur friend if I should take attendance records from.high school my paystubs I believe have the last four of my fake ss

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Noooo just forget about the paystubs no fake ss#... But she said yes take your attendane records, transcriptss and some reports cards from elementary school, high school right up to college... She also said if you receieve any awards while attending school take that with you....

*Here is what she took with here:

-doctor visit pay by cash

-school records including Transcripts, reports cards and awards of Excellence

-documents including Passport, Birth Certificate and I-94

-utility bill and bills paid with recipts receive

-western union recipts with name an date on them

-phone calls statements or recipts go to your phone company an ask them to print out some phone call records just to

to show you been living in the U.S you never left

She said if you don't have everything take as much stuff as you can you still got one month so don't stress start searching around the house and go to places that you know get records of you from 2007 to 2012

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This is interesting. I hadn't heard of interviews for DACA. Best wishes :)

Like everyone has said, BE PREPARED, no room for "Forgetting" or "leaving things last min." Collect all the proof you can.

Make sure to take a copy of your DACA application you submitted just in case you have to refer back to it during the interview.

Also, I would advise you to make a list of relevant events in your time living in the US and addresses lived at.

Be confident, respectful and humble.

I hope everything goes well :)

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Omg keke hopefully I do too the only thing i hardly have any bills to my name just mostly school so I'm gonna dig up as much as I can

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She said if you don't have no bills thats fine show your school stuff thats more important dig thru your parents stuff they might have some of your stuff put away lol..

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the person that helped me file my application told me that he had heard about these interviews and that the only reason why they are doing this now is because some people had submitted false info so like everyone says, you shouldnt worry if everything you submitted is real and true. good luck.

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I got one too! You are going before me.. please update me on everything so I know what to expect!!!! Pretty please!!! I'm very nervous!!!!

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makes me nervous because some of my family members got into some trouble(drugdealing) at the adresses i resided in...also my ex(bby daddy)

not that long u think theyre trying to link me to them...sorry but i come...frm a very bad troublemaking family...i dont want to get nervous if...they ask me

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Naye, you never know... but I think as long as YOU are not involved, they should not make you pay for what your family has done. You are a different person. Is this the only reason you can think of for them wanting to interview you? Or was something in your package missing or not legit? Also, when is your appointment and what state are you from?

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@ KEKE, can you ask your friend to give us a step by step description of the interview process? The few of us that got the letter are freaking out because we don't know what to expect! Please! ;/

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Ive never been involved in any illegal or criminal activities..soo spoke to my lawyer and he told me the same thing...not to worry..i cant pay for what others have done no matter how close they are to packet has everything they asked for..but i guess i couldve included more(school stuff)and yeah everything is frm O.C. California

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