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Hey friends....i received a notice from uscis that they have transferred my application to my local field office...i just wanna know if anyone else has ever received such a notice and does it mean a faster processing time for my application....plzz give me ur imput...thxxx a million.

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I tecieved the same in a email but doesnt seem to speed up anything since i sent in my application november 26th and its may 30th and still waiting. Got this notification about 2 months ago. Good luck let me know when you get approved ao i can cotinue to realize how much bs these processing times are.

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yeah i got transferred at the end of march. at first it seemed like transfers were getting approved fast, but im still waiting so idk. All it means is that wherever your case was before, had too much workload so they sent it somewhere with a lighter workload.

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It does not mean your case will be expedited or looked at any faster.

The previous center is probably too full and they are now transferring cases to other more "empty" centers.

But it won't take as long (hopefully).

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