
Concerned About Tranferring Credit History To New Ssn

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Hi guys,

I'm little concerned about transferring my credit history to my newly assigned SSN because I have credit history under my ITIN and a FAKE SSN. But the main reason I'm concerned about doing this is because a few years ago two of my credit card accounts were closed on me beacuse I was making a purchase and I made a simple mistake which caused the credit card company to have to verify the SSN which of course didn't match so there may be some sort of alert, like maybe a fraud alert on there. I'm not sure how to go about clearing this without causing myself problems. Does anyone know if I should just contact the credit bureaus through mail and just tell them to change my credit history to my newly assigned SSN?

Has anyone of the older DACA applicants encountered this?

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I would start from scratch if I was you.

Open a couple secured credit cards, wait a year and get the money back. If you make payments on time, you will have great credit in no time.

Dont worry about previous mess..

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Dreamteam210 your so right. I know bc that happened to me, I tried to apply for a credit card and everything came up to my new social security, JUST with my name and address.

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i have credit with my fake ssn and i want to transfer all that credit to my new one,i have car loan,credit cards,directv,verizon,att on my fake one!!

WHAT CAN I DO!!!!! , im afraid,worry because i don't know what to do with out getting in jail or something like that PLEASE HELP!!!!!

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no credit history is better than bad credit history , I rescinded my itin number and I didn't transfer any of my credit history to my new ssn , I had my identity stolen so I have really bad credit its better to start from scratch , this time make sure you don't fuck up your credit though

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Your fake social is connected to your check stub, your check stub is connected to your ITIN and your ITIN is connected to your new social security number.

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PLEASE pm me how to get a secured card with a false ssn! Or post in my thread! I tried for the first time today and they want to verify everything and I don't know if they're going to give me the card or say my documents are fake and they aren't going to give me a card...

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