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Help Please!!!

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hello fellow dreamers

My sister and I sent our DACA applications in at the same time, October 11th 2012, and up to recently have not heard anything. My sister received a Request For Evidence 2 weeks ago so she sent her tax return for the requested year and was approved yesterday!!! I am so happy for her but now I received a RFE for the same year yesterday also. I am posting because i need some help as far as evidence. My bank statements stop the year before the requested year so do my phone statements. I have not been working either since then so i do not have any paystubs or tax returns. Can you guys help me with ideas for evidence so i can get that sent back as soon as possible and hopefully get my approval!!!

thank you in advance

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Did you purchase any items online like on ebay, amazon or any other sites? If so, check your e-mail account for receipts. Do you have a facebook account? Did you have any check-ins that show the location and the date during those dates?

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@JoseG the year they are requesting for is 2010 so all my ebay transactions and history are no longer available. i did not check in on facebook during this time either. i have a couple pictures tagged with me and that is it.

@profjouster i do not have xbox so no luck there either

I looks like im going to have to think outside the box on this one. 2010 was 3 years ago so a lot of history is not stored for that long

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