
Any Luck With Congressman/woman?

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My application was recieved november 26, 2012 biometrics taken on december 31, 2012 and its now june 4,2013 and still on initial review. I tried putting in a service request i dont know how much that will help but havnt heard anything back yet but still within the 15 day limit they tell you of getting a response on that. And contacted my local congressman and its only been a couple of days but id like to know what anybody else has accomplished by taking the same steps as me. Thank you

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I have been waiting too since september and still under initial review this sucks I've done a service request but still nothing i received their response but it just says there working as hard as they can

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hello yes, I was waiting since august 29, and I barely got approved May 23rd.

I contacted my congress man and he was a huuugee help! He helped me get approved :)

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