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College Tuition After Daca

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Im living washington state and just recieved EAD and SSN! Yea!! Now im trying to apply college since I can work legally. However, community college told me that I am non resident and need to pay non resident rated tuition like internationals which is $1300.00 per 5 credits..... I lived here since 2005, and i never have been out of the U.S. I graduated high school from here, too. I thought I could attend college in instate resident rate. Does anybody have same problem as high tuition? Or can give me advice?

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even though you have lived in the US for a long time, what matters is the paper aspect of everything. techincally you have only been legally presence in the US since your EAD was made. there are a lot of states that will grant in state tuition to DACA applicants but only if they meet other requirements first. and there are some schools that wont even let DACA applicants apply to the school.

does the school you are trying to apply to know that you have a US high diapolma? here in CA, if one atteneded high school for 3 years in CA and graduated from a CA high school then they qualify for in state tuition. now CA has the CA Dream Act which will allow student to apply for money for school.

i would do some research on what the school requires as residency, print it out and then make an appt with an admin rep and financial aid rep. sometimes when you talk to the people at the desk at the admin or registors office, usually they are students on a student work program and dont know much. so if you can do a little research make those appts and see what happens.

worse thing that happens, is that you have to wait a yr to pay residency tuition. in the mean time, see if you can take one class, that way when you register for more classes (when you're paying residency tuition) you are considered a return student and get into core classes sooner.

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Most college require you to have completed 4 years of high school in the same state to qualify to in-state fees and tuitions.

Your best option is to talk to a financial advisor at the school you're interested in attending.

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Sorry to hear that :( .... but like pswa and Rawf said do some research, maybe your state does offer some kind of financial aid for you, or maybe there's a waiver or something

You should look for a AB540 Affidavit that makes you according to them a resident to attend a community college.

The Assembly Bill 540 is only for the state of CA.

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Thank you guys for your answers! I sent email to college adviser and financial office my situation. Hope they give me a good news.

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Thank you guys for your answers! I sent email to college adviser and financial office my situation. Hope they give me a good news.

Good luck :)

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im in the same boat but im from Tennessee. The laws arent as good as the ones in some states, im struggling to kinda get started with college. if anyone knows about the rules and regulations about in TN let me know because everyone that iv been talking to is just telling me off and saying that i have to pay out of state no matter what!

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Isnt there an affdavit that your state has? It's a paper that states lthat you'll  "intent to become a permanent resident" when you get an opportunity to do so. In texas, after you sign that you qualify for in state tuition

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