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Still Waiting

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Hello everyone just wanted to share this with yall

I sent my application on November 13

Did my bios on december 6th

And from then i havent heard anything until yesturday after i did a service request

(It appears that your application is outside normal processing times however there has been an extremely large volume of cases being processed. Your case is in the process of being assigned to an officer for review and you will receive a decision or notice of other action within approximately 30-45 days)

Has anybody recived something like this?

Does it mean im getting closer?lol

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Mine is in Nebreska too. I really wonder how they handle incoming cases since there are people who get approved before others that have been waiting longer.

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Hello everyone just wanted to share this with yall

I sent my application on November 13

Did my bios on december 6th

And from then i havent heard anything until yesturday after i did a service request

(It appears that your application is outside normal processing times however there has been an extremely large volume of cases being processed. Your case is in the process of being assigned to an officer for review and you will receive a decision or notice of other action within approximately 30-45 days)

Has anybody recived something like this?

Does it mean im getting closer?lol

i think ur getting closer congratz yayyyyy

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Remeber, 30-45 working days :(

I got that response about a month and a half ago and i received an rfe two weeks ago, sent it right the next day and they received it last week, now its just waiting

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I called usics yesterday they told me i had to wait until the 45 day,they said i should recive something before the 20th (hopefully) if not to call them back to do another service request.

Im runing out of patience lol

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Still havent recived anything,i called back we did another service request.

waiting 15 more days for a response

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hope you get a response soon..


im even surprised they took the initiative to give you that kind of update. i applied roughly a month after you but haven't heard a word besides the usual "we'll get to it when we get to it"..


You've waited over 8 months.. what's 15 more days? continue to stay strong

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Hello everyone just wanted to share this with yall

I sent my application on November 13

Did my bios on december 6th

And from then i havent heard anything until yesturday after i did a service request

(It appears that your application is outside normal processing times however there has been an extremely large volume of cases being processed. Your case is in the process of being assigned to an officer for review and you will receive a decision or notice of other action within approximately 30-45 days)

Has anybody recived something like this?

Does it mean im getting closer?lol


Mine said that in Feb and it never changed from initial review, even after the 45 days. My advice would be to wait the 45 days then make the service request. And then if you don't hear anything I'll be glad to help you out. I waited 9 months and finally I heard something.

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Thanks,well yea i dont have any other choice than wait lol

And I already made a service request im just waiting to see what they have to say,have you been approved yet?

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Thanks,well yea i dont have any other choice than wait lol

And I already made a service request im just waiting to see what they have to say,have you been approved yet?


Yes after unresponded inquiries I got approved.

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I just recived a response on the service request

Our records show that your I-821D is currently pending adjudication. We regret that we are unable to provide you with a completion date for your I-821D. We apologize for the delay.

We hope this information is helpful and appreciate your continued patience.

What does it mean? Lol

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