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Mississippi Governor Bans DACA Benefits Thru Executive Order :(

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Omg... this is just horrible... some people just can't let others accomplish what they want in life...

I truly hope no other state joins these spineless govs. Who like to push down individuals, for something they have waited for and worked hard for....

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I am praying to God that Florida won't join next. I wish these governors would take some of their time to listen to us and our stories instead of treating us like criminals.

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i think they dont realize or dont want to, how much many their state would get. in CA it cost $31 to apply for a DL. so you take $31 times by lets say 200,000 and thats $6,200,000 that the state will get. i know those numbers are just figurative but that's a lot of money.

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i think they dont realize or dont want to, how much many their state would get. in CA it cost $31 to apply for a DL. so you take $31 times by lets say 200,000 and thats $6,200,000 that the state will get. i know those numbers are just figurative but that's a lot of money.

And that's not counting how many people without a car would purchase a car, pay for insurance, pay for registration, pay for vehicle maintenance. All of that money would go back to the state and businesses.

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