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Do we include both of our last names?

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Ok so I'm still filling out parts of the application when i had a thought if im filling it out wrong...Since i have two last names on my birth certificate but only use one, when i fill out my application im filling it out like i normally do with one last name but on this do i have to put both last names since that is how it shows up on my birth certificate?

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On the first part, you fill it out how it is on your birth certificate. Once you go down a bit it will ask you what other names you have used. There you can put your name that you use.

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I also have 2 last names, but my whole life Ive only used the first last name, so thats what I put since the beginning of the application. Its up to you what you feel is correct.

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I placed on the application the name as it shows on the berth cert since all documents have to match with the documents you provide and the Bert Cert is one of the main docs you will submit, and since most women have changed there name as least once you would place that in aka portion,

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I think you should use the governemt name, although you will be stuck with 2 last times in the eyes of the governemt, not that that's a bad thing. I would ask a lawyer if possible.

Honestly, I don't think it will make THAT much of a difference as long as your consistent throughout the applications and pick what is best.

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