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HI guys, I sent in my application a few days ago. I didn't actually fill it out myself, I was assisted by an organization who works with people to apply for TPS and other immigration processes.

I have a bit of a concern here though, they told me it wasn't required to send two passport photos with the I-765 form (or work form), they say this is because this process is different from other immigration cases and that my picture will get taken regardless at the biometric check. I ended up listening to these people, my application was sent without these photos. Does anyone know? Are these really required!? Has anyone sent their applications without these as well!?

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Photographs of you will be taken when you go in for your Biometrics appointment, but I don't know what they will be used for.

It seems to me like the 2 passport photographs are required, but I am not entirely sure.

EDIT: I searched on google for "deferred action document checklist" and found these sites. Both state that you need to send in the 2 photographs.

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I did not send the pictures with the application and it was filled out by an attorney. They never stated that it is required to send in the photographs !

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There has been a lot of concern with the passport photos and I also heard, its not entirely necessarily, but I preferred to be safe than sorry and I did send in those pictures.

I sent them in because I read it on the instructions for the I765.

When you go to the USCIS website and download the instructions for the I765, this data is available on page 6.

Heres the link:

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Thank you all for your input. I tend to worry just about everything, and the fact that I didn't send in those two photos has me pretty damn irritated. >.<

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the same thing happens to me but i got my I-797 C saying that the next step will be biometrics appoiment so im still waitting + they didn't mention anything about the pictures

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My lawyer didn't ask me for any, but I know they have a bunch of extras I had brought it last year for another process. I'm curious to know if they sent any with my application. I agree, though... I can't imagine it would be a breaking issue to not have sent passport pictures since they will be doing them at the biometrics appointment anyway.

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It says on page either 5 or 6 of the instructions for the I-765 that the 2 passport photos are required. I believe it is for the. Paper file the USCIS will have on you. The picture they take during the biometrics appt, will be used for the electronic file and the actually passport photos will be used for the physcial file. Also the picture take at the biometrics appt might be used for your EAD card.

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