
Let's Discuss ways of Identification.

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When it comes to presenting yourself for the Biometrics Appointment the first document you will require is the appointment sheet itself and a form of authentication. That's something we all already know and it is nothing new.

The question most people have is what should I take? Will this work? Is this photo too old? What if don't have a way to get a proper updated identification before the biometrics appointment?

I have those questions myself, and they keep coming up at random times during the day.

I renewed my passport this year, at the beginning of the year before the news about deferred act was announced.

There is one issue with this passport, as much as I use it to identify myself at the clubs, bars, or restaurants is the photo.. the photo was taken when I was around 13 years old back in 2000.

I always had the idea that saving that passport would be useful in the future because it has all the immigration stamps for when I arrived to the US.

Anyways, going back on topic..

I called the embassy a few weeks ago and because of the deferred act, they have no space left! At least not until the first days of october.. My case was accepted and I'm currently waiting for the Biometrics Appointment Date. From what I have heard the appointment doesn't take long to arrive and that is what worries me so much.

Now, we also have another document in my country called D.N.I (Documento Nacional de Identidad).

The DNI as we call it, has a more recent photo.. the problem is that we don't update that document, the last photo update is when someone turns 16 and then again around the age of 30+..

I look a little chubby in that photo, but the facial features are still the same. The DNI is in Spanish (Might have to do a translation).

I hope the appointment I get is after the third week of october at least, if not.. I will have to take my passport, DNI, College ID, Credit and Debit Card (Both with photos in it).

So the question here would be..

What will you be taking with you apart from appointment letter?

What kind of Identification?

Will you be wearing special clothes? More dressy/classy?

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I recently obtained my matricula consular earlier this month so I will be taking that, along with my old passport and birth certificate just in case.

The way I dress might depend on what will be done when we go in for Biometrics. I've read that it's just fingerprints and photographs and that you'll be out of there in 15-30 minutes, so I'll just dress how I normally do. If it were an actual interview, I would probably wear a dress shirt and dress pants -_-

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Obviously everyone has different circumstances when it comes to having an ID. In my case, I do posses a valid passport which I'll be using that day (it doesn't expire until 2015 thank god).

I do not anticipate for a biometric check to be a damn hassle. I mean hopefully not, but whatever's gotta be done it gets done. With me I'll probably take a binder with a couple of extra documents just in case, such as birth certificate, I also have with me an extra set of passport photos which I'll bring with me. As far as what I'm going to wear on that day, that is the last thing I'll worry about...

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I'll be taking my matricula consular and like Aled, I'll be taking a binder with extra documents in case Im asked for further proof. I prefer to be over prepared than under prepared.

Regarding clothing, I'll be doing classy...

Stilletos, pencil skirt, business button up shirt, the whole works..lmao

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I was going to take my passport but its way expired. so a couple of days I made an appoiment to get my matricula they gave me the appoiment on the 26 at 11:30.....i went to my PO box yesterday and I got my biometrics appoiment on the 26 at 2:00 :o it was a close one....god is good :)

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Ok, good news. I just went to the Support center to find out if my long-time-ago expired ID will work and they said that it is fine. They understand that we have been here for a long time illegally and all our papers could not be renewed. So, old ID is fine, school ID is fine, any documents with your picture is fine. Just bring in all of them with you. I'm glad that I went today, I can relax now. And be careful with any cuts on my fingers until the appointment. LOL

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Ok, good news. I just went to the Support center to find out if my long-time-ago expired ID will work and they said that it is fine. They understand that we have been here for a long time illegally and all our papers could not be renewed. So, old ID is fine, school ID is fine, any documents with your picture is fine. Just bring in all of them with you. I'm glad that I went today, I can relax now. And be careful with any cuts on my fingers until the appointment. LOL

Thank you for this information, I can breath much better now.

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hi i need some help asap....so I made my appoiment to get the matricula and they said to bring a copy of my birth certificate and some other stuff im taking in (((TAMANO CARTA???))) what does that mean?? help please

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hi i need some help asap....so I made my appoiment to get the matricula and they said to bring a copy of my birth certificate and some other stuff im taking in (((TAMANO CARTA???))) what does that mean?? help please

It means Letter Size paper, like the regular type of printing paper. Just bring originals and copies of everything they asked you to bring.

Birth certificate, passport, proof of residence, ids. etc.

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