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So i read that we could prove that we've been living here in the states by showing a lease contract, but my parents are the ones that have done all that stuff, does it still counts?; i got here when i was 15 june 10 07 and didn't go to school that year cause i didnt know for how long i was gonna be here, so me and my little brother started school in january 08 i was still 15 is an affidavit valid in this case:/??

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Is your name on the lease? How long have you been here? Taken any flu shots for school or something similar. I assume you still qualify if you have met all other requirements.

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I agree with Dream. Usually when anyone signs a lease, they are making themselves responsible for the rent and any damage to the rental place but they do have to list any other occupants on the property.

Even children, minors or other adults, so your name should be there...

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I've had this question, too. My name is on the lease contract, but I'm not paying the rent at all; my name is on there and I presume it's for showing who my mom lives with, and intends to live with. The manager wrote an affidavit and provided her number to be called to confirm this.

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I was dealing with this problem, when showing proof,,, Everything is under my husbands name, even lease.. But I took a gamble and asked my landlord if it was possible for him to provide proof that I have also been living in his property & I was so lucky that he remade rent receipts with both my husbands name & mine.. I think you would be surprise how people react if you only "ask"...remember you catch more bees with honey then vinegar.. good luck!!

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my mom used our lease for like 2 years that had my name on it, and the person who put my application together said its fine. i also sent some docs from another petition i filed with USCIS. I think official forms and documents are the best things you can use. As long as your name is on the lease you should be fine.

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Ejemplos para la evidencia de DACA

Pruebas de presencia en los estados unidos;

Estados de cuenta del banco o tarjeta de crédito con fechas de transacciones, cheques cancelados y recibos de money orders, western unión, etc. 

Registros de carros o pagos de aseguransas de carro

Contratos y recibos de vivienda

Como depende en impuestos

Utilidades de electricidad, gas, agua, teléfono, celular

Recibos de entrevistas, cartas o e-mails de rechazos como de trabajo, vivienda, o alguna otra aplicación

Certificados voluntarios y religiosos como, bautismo, confirmación, registros, boda

Notas de Pagos

Cartas o archivos de citas al dentista, doctor, vacunas, y recibos de pagos (récords)

Servicios sociales

Actas de nacimiento de hijos nacidos en USA

Reportes y certificados de la escuela, diplomas, identificación escolar, fotos en el libro anual (yearbook),  etc.

Pagos de hipoteca

Recibos o pagos de carro

Cualquier Récord de DMV


Records de tiendas de cambio de checkes, western unión u otros recibos de mandar dinero a cualquier país

Entro (sign in) sociales de Facebook, my space, videojuegos

Recibos de internet o e-bay

Notas o recibos de aseguransas, reclamos, pólizas, y pagos

Sobres marcados por el correo en USA

fotografías de celebraciones o lugares reconocidos en USA marcadas con fechas, ( golden gate, Disney land, etc.)

Licencias/permisos o exámenes de manejo 

Todo lo que tenga FECHA, LUGAR en USA a tu NOMBRE

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So i read that we could prove that we've been living here in the states by showing a lease contract, but my parents are the ones that have done all that stuff, does it still counts?; i got here when i was 15 june 10 07 and didn't go to school that year cause i didnt know for how long i was gonna be here, so me and my little brother started school in january 08 i was still 15 is an affidavit valid in this case:/??

did u get sick or end up in a doctors office ...that also works anything that profs u were her about the affidavit yes it does help someone that can prof u were here has to sing that document with a notary public ...any thing that has u name and profs u were here...

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