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Walk-ins before Biometrics appointment date

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I've heard about people missing the Biometrics appointment because letters arrived late or went missing. If your case was accepted, you might as well call your local ASC Office and ask if you currently have an appointment pending with them.

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I was reading different articles regarding applying for GC's and early walk ins for biometrics. I, myself have applied for a GC and is still in process.

I have received my bio appt letter Sept. 8, 2012 stating the BIO Scheduled appt date for Sept. 27, 2012 in USCIS Santa Ana, CA. I was successfully able to do an early walk in Sept. 11, 2012.

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I was reading different articles regarding applying for GC's and early walk ins for biometrics. I, myself have applied for a GC and is still in process.

I have received my bio appt letter Sept. 8, 2012 stating the BIO Scheduled appt date for Sept. 27, 2012 in USCIS Santa Ana, CA. I was successfully able to do an early walk in Sept. 11, 2012.


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Even if I would have wanted to do a walk in, I wouldnt have been able to, found out about biometrics appointment today and it was scheduled today, was great!!!!

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Can't really give you a straight forward answer as every ASC is different.

When I went in for my Biometrics, some people that were there for their appointment had other people there with them accompanying them.

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I walked in today even when my appointment is on oct 9th. There were no people there and they didn't say it wasn't okay.

Although I'm a little scared it went by really fast.

They made me fill out a small form and the receptionist let me in after scribbling on the form. I got there at 9:30 and left at 10:30.

They take a lot of fingerprints. Your signature and photo. Give you a stamp and a feedback card to fill out.

I'm actually suspicious if my stamp is filled out or not. I'm calling every possible office to make sure that it'd be fine.

So hopefully I'm fine!

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What do you mean youre suspicious if your stamp is fiilled out?

You should be able to tell because they should have given you back your biometrics notice and on it they write the date you went in and the id number of the agent that took your firngerprints.

I got mine back that way..

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They gave me back my biometrics notice but the stamp only has the tenprints review by ,.. Filled out and not e biometrics part.

Not sure if this is a problem so I'm planning to go back and ask just to be safe..

Being so used to doing things the hard way, I'm just suspicious and paranoid haha. Like something good is finally happening!


Went to the ASC and talked to the manager just in case. Said the stamp was fine.

Called USCIS and finally got a nice lady rep. It's fine to walk in early as long as its the same ASC.

Edited by DreamingStyle

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I agree! Plus your application went through extremely fast, how did you do it? :o

I'm not sure why it went so fast but I did use a lawyer. He sifted through the billion pieces of evidence I brought him and chose only the strongest and what was required. He told me that USCIS is going to be going through hundreds of thousands of applications and the easier and more straightforward it is, the faster the process will go.

I just got back from my biometrics appointment this morning actually!! It's so incredibly fast and easy, I'm relieved.

When did you send your application in? And where? I'm in Boston and I'm sure the west coast is a lot busier than the east coast.

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