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Hi as many of you I also have have a very hard life. i came to the US when I was 8, I'm now 19 going on 20 in 3 months. my dad was an alcoholic and because of it we never had money, i use to sell his beer bottles to get money for chips. when we came to the USa became a rebel didn't listen to any one had very bad influence friends and i was a mess. I was always very smart, i always had good grades in school but when i finished 8th grade my parents told me they couldn’t pay for my expenses any more. year later I met this shy guy..that turned out he wasn’t so shy jajajaj....15 days later i ran away with him when i was 14, it was a weird thing i was dumb and he was to jajaja...a year later we decide to have a baby and at the age of 15 i became a teen was the hardest thing ever...i felt so sad for myself because i didn't have anything to give to my little child :( 17 i made the decision to go back to school. i didn't want my GED, i don't have anything against it I just really wanted my High School diploma I wanted my child to be proud of was 2 long years of pushing my self..I took some jobs that didn't ask me for paperwork,,cleaning homes for low wage and stuff like that...sometimes i would work till 11pm...i went to school 8-2 and worked from 2-till i was done...they were the longest 2 years of my life but on 5/24/2012 i got my high school diploma..and then DACA came and the rest is history jajaja i

still have a long road to walk i'm just happy to be part of it. and when i'm really old i will tell my grandchildren how we made history how i was a DREAMER......o and my husband and i have been together for 5 years and still going strong he has been my best friend and have supported me on all my crazy dreams :)

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