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job applying

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So im waiting to get my package and all that fun stuff, but what i wanted to know was if i apply in a job now do i tell them im waiting for my work permit or what? Or should i just wait till i get my work permit etc?

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Rawf is right, what once can do is start to prepare a resume..

I found this link to be super helpful in making a resume and since most of us dont have work experience becase we've worked under the table or have worked with fake SS#s.

The best type of resume for us would be the functional résumé. It is best for those who cannot show a steady career progression.

Good luck to all of us who will be entering the work force soon.

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Yes that what i thought, but my mom wanted for me just to be sure.

I all ready know how to do my resume, thank you either way Itzel

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