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One last help pls. Im ready to mail my application.. :)

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After reading countless numbers of threads here for the past weeks or so, im finally ready and confident to mail my application.. Thanks to this forum :) but before i do i just have 2 more unsure questions floating in my head (this may sound repetitive but theres just so much threads to re-dig through to find an answer)

1) I know we need to turn in copies of documents. But when it comes to Birth Certificate, what does it really mean by "copy"? Mine says: "Certified True-Copy" on a special type of paper w/ stamp, signature and all...... Do i send this? Or do i just simply scan it and print it on a regular piece of paper?

2) again, repetitive i know.. Im sorry-----Do I buy the money order myself? Im 21 but no ID. I heard u need to provide an ID. Or is it ok that my parents get it?

3) i went to summer school, and got a certificate on 8/28/12....what do i put for Date of Last Attendance on i-821d form? Last day of summer school, or when i got my certificate?---------or do i just leave that blank? :/

Thank you lots guys! And congrats to those who already got approved. Cant wait for mine :)

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1) Make a copy of your current Birth Certificate, just like you would any other copy. Scan and print. Remember, whatever you send them, they will keep.

2) Doesn't really matter who buys the Money Order, I bought a Western Union one and wasn't asked for ID and I don't see why you would need ID, but just make sure you make it out to "U.S. Department of Homeland Security"

3) Put the last date you went to the school to take classes.

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