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Fact Check: Romney Accepts Obama's DREAM Act? -

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New York Magazine

Fact Check: Romney Accepts Obama's DREAM Act?

The Huffington Post is running a story today claiming that Mitt Romney has abruptly shifted his stance on immigration and has now embraced President Obama's executive order halting deportations and granting work permits to so-called “DREAMers.

Obama Camp: Romney Still Opposes DREAM ActTPM

Some AZ Immigrants Leary of Dream Actlakepowelllife

It Only Took 108 Days for Mitt Romney to Reveal Where He Stands on Deferred ...New York Magazine

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I sense someones fishing for last minute votes...too bad one cant erase what was said in the past. His negative and strict stance on immigration in the past few months WILL NOT be forgotten and I personally dont believe him....

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