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My intro

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Hello everyone!

I'm so happy we are finally seeing change here in the U.S. I know many of us deserve this opportunity!

I was born in Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico and lived there until I was three. My mother brought me over to the U.S. illegally to better my life (and my sister). We first lived in Long Beach, California. We stayed there until 1996 and then we moved to Iowa. We moved a few times here in Iowa and have finally settled in a small town where my mom is content. I am now a student at University of Northern Iowa and am studying Sociology with hopes of getting into a graduate program after I complete my major!

I owe all my success to my mother. She was the driving force that kept me going. She was a single mom that went in and out of three bad relationships throughout my life. I have seen her suffer so much. My biggest goal is to help her someday. Fortunately because of the DACA and work permit I will hopefully be able to do so sooner than I planned!

I have lived through a lot in my 22 years of life.

-abusive family settings (stepfather's behalf)


-racial inequality

-shattering of dreams

I am very involved in my community and am currently working on developing a NAACP chapter for my town. We have been dealing with a lot of racial profiling and hostile police behavior towards the Mexican community. Hopefully I will be able to do more now that I will have my work permit and DL!

I am so thankful to God and my mother!

If anyone has any questions with their application or process, let me know! I will be glad to help (I have helped a few people file their applications).

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aw thanks for sharing your story ^_^ ... seems like you've gone through a lot, but keep on striving for the best :) and most important, don't give up ^_^

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Thanks for sharing your story!

Like many of us, you have had your challenges throughout your life here in this country.

However, you have been able to move past particular issues and fight for your dreams.

Much success in your endeavors!

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