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Let us know who do you think will win and answer the following questions ;)


1. Who do you think will win?

2. Who do you want to win?

3. If you could ask the president a question, what would it be?

4. What would happen to DACA Applicants (currently waiting a decision after BIOS) if Romney wins?

5. Are you doing anything to help others accomplish what they want in the future?

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Since Obama failed to pass the Dream act or CIR, we still need Obama as our President, we have no other choice. Back in 2008, during the elections he promised he would pass CIR during his first year as President. He didn't get it done and never really pushed for it. In fact, he went on to deport records amount of immigrants. He has said the same thing once again, that during his first year he will pass CIR, hopefully this time he keeps his promise. In the mean time, we would be safe under DACA, but if he doesn't push for CIR like he didn't do in his last 4 years, it would be a major let down.

If Romney were to win, I'm not sure what would happen to the pending DACA applications. The way I see it, is that if Romney were to end DACA, USCIS would stop accepting DACA applications immediately, but would still process the ones that are pending.

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1. I think Obama will win, but theres a possibility Romney will..

2.I want Obama to win so he wont leave us DACA applicants hanging

3.I would ask him: Is DACA all you will do to fix our broken immigration system?

4.If Romney wins, I believe he will veto DACA and we will be in limbo...

5. I continue to log on when my job permits me and continue to help on this forum, if there ever comes a moment I cant, I will give a notice..I wont just disappear..

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i honestly dont think that Obama is to blame for the Dream Act not passing. It was stopped in the Senate by Republicans. What needs to happen is that more Democrats need to be elected into the Senate so that the Dream Act does pass. Then and only then can it be given to Obama for him to sign into law.

Seeing how I cant vote, I still want Obama to win because Romeny is WAY to conservative for America and his "ideas" for America do not sound like good ones.

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