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Circumstantial Evidence 

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I read this in one of the articles and it wasn't as clear por me, could anybody help me?

what would they do?

the thing is that are asking for affidavits from people and then they said something like it wouldn't be enough!


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As proof of anything, like if you weren't in the country at the time they approved the Defferred Action, or if you were here illegal and stuff like that!!

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It pretty much says that it can help you prove that you were here but you need more than an affidavit to prove it, it helps a little but you cant only use that

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Ive had this discussion before with other DREAMERS and we agree one of the best documents to prove your time in the country is an immunization card. That should have more weight than an affidavit because and affidavit can be questioned.

Good luck...

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