
Traveling WITHIN the US (Domestic)

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Ok, so I need a passport to travel within the country or is the EAD and TX id enough to get on a plane..

@ Sinae: these checkpoints are dumb and 50 meters before you get to the toll booth or whatever theres cameras on both sides of the vehicle taking pictures of you...

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All you need is a US ID, it doesn't matter if it is an ID or a License. If you don't have a US Identification/License, then it is recommended to use your non-expired passport.. take the EAD and The letter you got giving you deferred action just in case.

Once at the checkpoint, simply present the passport.. that's all they ask.

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so my country's passport is good enough to travel in the u.s?

Yes it is!

I am from Miami and flew to NY during the summer. I used my passport (without visa) and it was fine.

TSA only verifies that you are indeed the person that is flying.

You might feel a little anxious as you go through the security check, but after you pass, you feel great!

One thing I did though, I handed the TSA agent my passport already opened on my ID, so as to avoid the agents going through the passport themselves.

TSA is the only people that you should 'worry' about. ('worry' = not really :) )

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I live in MA, I tried once to fly with a Brazilian passport and the woman at the counter in Boston was a total asshole about it, she had a personal problem with it, now, when I was coming back from GA a weeks later, they were cool about it, asked me nothing. I would not recommend travelling with your home country passport if ur visa isnt valid anymore, you never know. My friend recently married and went to FL for honeymoon, the lady at the counter in Boston said to him "u r lucky im a nice person". People here in Mass as just ridiculous about this kind of thing, you are just like every other person until they find out u dont have pepers. I would just rather avoid the situation. I have no idea how it is in Nebraska though, you might have some luck. Wherever you decide to go, good luck :D

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Yes Mayra I know of people who travel within the US with their foreign passport.

Gezinha - That is so awful. We must remember not everyone is happy we are getting a chance. It is just sad to see people wasting their life being racist and categorizing people.

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3 month ago my dad told us he was taking us to the beach an since i was in ****** i dint pack noting but some gurl stuff..lol i was on my fone texting an facebooking when i relize dis drive was taking long even my bro an sis started saying why is it taking too long to get to da beach..we usally go to newport beach in constamesa is an hour from fontana anyways ,,,turn out my dad was gunna take us to da borderline of nevada on laugline someting like dat lol but he drove passed needles an we ended up in arizona..lol i was like why we here we gunna get deported lmao we pass a chekpoint an since my dad drives an escalade we wennt true like noting ..my dad just told em we drove to far lol;) sucks dat on laugline i couldnt drink cause i dint bring my matricula or sexyy small dresses;) lol...we also went to vegas wich suked ...an we went came bak home we pass another chekpoint but since my dad drives a nice car dey said noting lol

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I was wondering about this too. I was planning on going to NC in February but recently found out I'm not gonna be able to obtain a state id because I live in AZ aka the most racist state ever. So I pretty much discarded any hope of going. However, reading this post has given me hope again! I did not know you could fly if you only had your foreign passport to present. And could anyone verify if using the EAD is acceptable, also?? I really want to make that trip. Thanks! :'D

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No you can NOT !!!!! I was gonna do the same , I got my card on November 5th and I wanted to fly from Ohio to NJ but at the airport I almost got arrested , this country is a mess !! Ilegal people became legal but they I'd that shows that we are legal is not legal How The Fu)&@ that make sense !!

Wait till u get ur card then apply for a social, once u get the social apply for a license or any valid state ID !!

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i've used my passport it travel within the US and had no problems doing so. passed through TSA and never had a problem. i've been traveling to and from michigan from california since i was 8 and flying back and forth since i was 16.

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