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Advance Parole. Will you apply?

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I think it's too soon to tell how Advance Parole will work with DACA applicants. I for one wouldn't want to risk it because USCIS states on the instructions that even with Advance Parole, you can be denied entry into the U.S. if you have accrued Unlawful Presence, which most Dreamers have.

Although, there have been two court rulings stating that a departure with Advance Parole doesn't count as a departure as far as triggering the 3/10 year ban. Of course, these rulings weren't with DACA applicants, but we will have to wait and see if USCIS changes it's guidelines.

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Advance parole is risky as JoseG pointed out. If you or anyone else have no major urgencies it isn't a risk worth taking...

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Thank you guys! I am looking for anyone who maybe in the process for Advance Parole or who has gotten one! Need more info, I understand the challenge it may pose.

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