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has anyone been denied?

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The dreamers that are on the online forums only make up a small percentage of the total applicants, but out of those that are on the forums, I haven't seen anyone say they were denied.

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It is a good question though. It would be good to know if anyone here was denied and what the reasons were. It will definitely help future applicants!!

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I did a search to see what I could find with Denied DACA, but not much came up. I guess people who has been denied won't easily admit it as it is another closed door to some.

I know I would be devastated.

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I think if people are denied it would be because of criminal history. My lawyer sent me to do separate background check before beginning my DACA application. He was not going to waste his time if I had a rap sheet. He told me up front and grilled me before hand about having a clean background.

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I think if people are denied it would be because of criminal history. My lawyer sent me to do separate background check before beginning my DACA application. He was not going to waste his time if I had a rap sheet. He told me up front and grilled me before hand about having a clean background.

Did your background showed anything bad?

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Nothing, I do have an Oregon I.D but even that didn't come up. I was able to get it when I lived there with my husband. You didn't need a SSN, but it is required now. He said I was complete and total blank.

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Just google a place near you. My lawyer sent me to a place called live scan....which is where other companies send potential employees. If you know for a fact that you don't have a rap sheet it really isn't needed. My lawyer said it was a must to take my case so I had to.

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