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re-applying after 2 years!

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How would we know when or what to do when re-applying before EAD is up in 2 years........ would we have to apply before the EAD date expire? and do we have to get the same applications all over again

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i'm pretty sure that USCIS will come up with how to re-apply. but i think it will be pretty much the same process that we went through now. but we wont know until probably about a year or a year and a half from now when most of us will need to apply again.

normally when re-applying for an EAD, it it suggested that one re-apply 120 days before your old one expires. but seeing how our EADs are in connection with DACA, then the process may be a little different.

the applications most likely be the same as they are now.

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i'm pretty sure that USCIS will come up with how to re-apply. but i think it will be pretty much the same process that we went through now. but we wont know until probably about a year or a year and a half from now when most of us will need to apply again.

normally when re-applying for an EAD, it it suggested that one re-apply 120 days before your old one expires. but seeing how our EADs are in connection with DACA, then the process may be a little different.

the applications most likely be the same as they are now.

thank you for your advise

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your welcome :)

thinking the only difference might be when it comes to biometrics. we may not have to pay the $85 again because we already did it. fingers crossed

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I wonder if schooling will be a requirement for renewing. Like we gave you a chance to do something with your life prove to us what you did with this opportunity type of think. I personally am considering to take a trade like phlebotomy to help pay for school and such.

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like getting a job and being a productive member of society isnt enough to prove that we've done something with the 2 yrs that they have given us.

i do get your point, though. however, i think that the requirements will be much the same as the are now.

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