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There was a comment from a U.S. citizen asking why do immigrants feel entitled to citizenship?

I replied back saying I don't feel entitled to citizenship. There's a huge difference between feeling entitled to a citizenship and thinking it might be nice to have a citizenship. I don't think I need to be a citizen here. Surely, there will be a lot of benefits, but I think I would be happy just to have a greencard. If there was a blog or a forum for citizens discussing on the immigration issues, I want to post a question, "why do you feel entitled to citizenship?" I bet most of their ancestors aren't Native Indians. It is very sad, actually beyond just sad, it's such a mixture of overwhelming sensation that I get when I see a low class African-American or a Caucasian individual who doesnt work, complains on how the government system is messed up, depends his life on drugs, and living off on welfare. These individuals gets regarded as an invisible by their fellow citizens while when there's an immigrant who commits a wrongful action, the whole community of immigrants gets the blame. Immigration is a tough topic to be discussed by anyone. It involves various complex issues because every one of immigrant have a different story and different immigration case. No one has a right to groupatize the whole community of immigrant and judge on anyone.

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it's such a mixture of overwhelming sensation that I get when I see a low class African-American or a Caucasian individual who doesnt work, complains on how the government system is messed up, depends his life on drugs, and living off on welfare.

I see this everyday and I feel that they don't deserve what they get for granted. They have NO idea what people like us have to go through to be able to live like those people that don't want to do anything with their lives. Yes its a shame, but they don't know better. Us on the other hand, we had to go through it most of our lives and honestly, I think it has made most of us better people. I seriously feel a need to go out there and make something out of my self and others. Which I'm sure you and most people feel the same way.

Also citizenship would be nice, but I don't need it. As long as I have valid info for as long as I live in the Us, Thats all I ask for.

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And that's why we are are going to prove once we all get our working permits how successful we can be and all the great things that we can give back to this Nation!!

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Couldnt have said it better Sinae!!! I also feel that these "individuals" cant comprehend the blessings they have with being a citizen because they havent lacked what we have.

I also feel that as long as I can work and study and be legally present in this country, I dont necessarily need citizenship. Im not saying it wouldnt be nice to have it, but its like a nice COACH purse, I dont need it but I wouldnt mind having it..

Us having applied for DACA is one of the greatest political moves that Obama could have done, not only did it allow him to be re elected but it made the faith the immigrant community has in the Republican pary go even more down..

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I am not going to sit here and pretend like I don't want it. Yes I do and the reason being traveling. I want to visit family in Mexico, but most importantly I want to be able to travel and see the world. I took Japanese because I want to go there one day and experience it on my own instead of what TV or friends tell me it is like. I want to see other places in the world and not just 1. And like Sinae mentioned that some actual citizens do not take advantage of their citizenship, I would gladly take it and make some good use of it.

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To be an American citizen is more than just being born here in my eye's. It's a state of mind and heart. An acceptance of personal responsibility for the bettering of ourselves, each other and the further strengthening the nation as a whole. So many people take it for granted. Like the old saying goes, “You don't realize what you have till it's gone.” Personally I hope and will strive to obtain citizenship one day. There are those that leech off the government and it's people; lie and cheating in their way of life and they're citizens simply because they were born here. And then there's immigrants such as us that bust our backs to make it through but have limited success because of an immigration system that's needed an overhaul since the fifties. All we're looking for is better life. We are a nation of immigrants. That'll never change.

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