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DACA, college plans? help?

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After you've been approved, do you have any plans for college?

I live in Florida, and it seems that every college (the cheapest) i look into i would have to pay $10,000 tuition for two terms per year (which would of course come out of my own pocket) due to not qualifying for financial aid and getting charged with an out of state tuition. I'm not gonna lie, but seeing those numbers terrify me. My main goal right now, as i imagine yours too, is to go back to school and get an education i can depend on.

Are there any other options? Are there any loans or scholarships we can apply for? Or are you currently going to school? any advice? this is too frustrating!!!

If there's any information regarding this subject that you think could help, please comment below.

I hope i'm not in this alone!

Thanks in advance :)

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Well first thing first I commend you on trying to go back to school. Secondly I think you would be able to apply for privet scholarships to help pay for school. Talking to a school counselor would be the first step to help you navigate the scholastic waters. I really do hope the rest of the nation becomes more sympathetic to people on Daca going to school and opening those channels to make it easier for students to go to school. You might want to contact local chapters of Dreamers in Florida to get more info. I live in California and I am able to go to college at in state tuition rate, and as of 1/2013 we qualify for financial aid. If you are able to get loans I would also look into that. Education is as it has always been an valuable asset. Keep calm and exhaust every possibility. I'm sure someone from the state of Florida will soon comment and give you the infor you need.

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You can apply for the private scholarships. The first thing on my mind is going back to school, too, but I won't do that the first thing after I get my everything. I'm going to work to save up the money for the school. We are all excited to be able to go back to school but it seems foolish to me to go back to school if I don't have some money saved up. Surely, I can get a part time job while in school but I don't want to struggle in between work and school.

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As is mentioned above, private scholarships do help! Talk to your guidance councelor, church, local dreamers chapter, and various other groups can help you too! Also, consider getting a good job with lots of hours. Working and going to school isn't necessarily easy... but it's totally POSSIBLE! I work 3 jobs and I'm a full time student at a university, trust me when I say that as long as you figure out your schedules so they don't collide with eachother, you'll be fine :) Best of luck!

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the cost of school is scary. i've already graduated from college (with a double major) but i had to pay for it myself. in CA, those who graduated from a CA high school qualify for in state tuition but with books and travel cost and everything else, it doesnt come out cheap. i qualified for some scholarships and they do help because everything little bit helps but there are ways of paying for school. it took me 7 yrs because i did have to pay for it myself but i did it and hopefully soon i can use my major. :)

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the cost of school is scary. i've already graduated from college (with a double major) but i had to pay for it myself. in CA, those who graduated from a CA high school qualify for in state tuition but with books and travel cost and everything else, it doesnt come out cheap. i qualified for some scholarships and they do help because everything little bit helps but there are ways of paying for school. it took me 7 yrs because i did have to pay for it myself but i did it and hopefully soon i can use my major. :)

Do you know if schoolarships and loans are given to DACA in CA?

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i think scholarship are. like based on merit and need. loans i'm not so sure of unless they are private loans, like through your bank. maybe a topic to google and make a post about? ;)

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As is mentioned above, private scholarships do help! Talk to your guidance councelor, church, local dreamers chapter, and various other groups can help you too! Also, consider getting a good job with lots of hours. Working and going to school isn't necessarily easy... but it's totally POSSIBLE! I work 3 jobs and I'm a full time student at a university, trust me when I say that as long as you figure out your schedules so they don't collide with eachother, you'll be fine :) Best of luck!

Good Lord three jobs!?!?!?!

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Hi there,

I would advise you to check private schools. They might seem expensive at first, but they usually have merit type scholarships AND their financial aid might come from private donors so you can apply for some. I attended a liberal arts private college and I was able to get 2/3 of tuition paid for with private scholarships, merit scholarships and some financial aid from the school's scholarship fund. Also, there are lots of private foundations that help you regardless of your status. I would suggest applying to local private scholarships. And yes, get a job like being a waitress because tips will end up making your hour salary very worth it. I had 2 jobs in college and one of them was a waitressing job.

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Yepp :) Three jobs!! In all fairness, the hours in total only come up to about 50-60 a week so it's not like im working 3 full time jobs with like 100+ hours!! lol No, not that many hours, though im lookin to apply for one full time and one part time job now that ive been approved so the schedules don't collide so darn much!! lol

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Yepp :) Three jobs!! In all fairness, the hours in total only come up to about 50-60 a week so it's not like im working 3 full time jobs with like 100+ hours!! lol No, not that many hours, though im lookin to apply for one full time and one part time job now that ive been approved so the schedules don't collide so darn much!! lol

I was about to say...when do you sleep? Now that you explain it, it makes more sense. I agree that school and work may seem like a lot, and sometimes it does get overwhelming, but it is well worth it. Sleep, and free time is usually our sacrifice. Good luck to all Dreamers/ Daca applicants going back to school!

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