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Waiting since September ????

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Hello guys :huh: I cant help but to think that there must be something that it is delaying my approval :unsure:

I would like to know a little more about your background history, that is if you have been waiting for your approval since September :wacko: maybe we can connect the dots and try to figure out something.

Here is a little about my background !

I'm 28 yrs old

Arrived here when i was 13

went back to Mexico when i was 17, on August 2001

return the US when i was 18, on January 2002 was caught at the border :/ they took my fingerprints

was sent back to Mexico "my lawyers said it was not a big deal since i was never charged for it "

I have never been in trouble with the law

Graduated college

and thats pretty much it O_o

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maybe being caught back in 2001 may have something to do with it. maybe?

when you were caught, what happened? did they send you back to mexico?

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Wendy, yes i was sent back to Mexico, but i was never charged for anything my lawyer said they usually dismiss those cases who knows :mellow:

RR I stayed 5 months due to my grandmother illness !

Sanches thank you :)

I just want to know about the others and see if they have anything on their background that might be affecting them as well.

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Luna, I don't personally think you should worry. Besides that one blip sounds like you are an exemplary candidate for Daca. I think like all of us you have that worry about not being approved. Like Sanchez05 said it will come! Good luck!

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Luna, I don't personally think you should worry. Besides that one blip sounds like you are an exemplary candidate for Daca. I think like all of us you have that worry about not being approved. Like Sanchez05 said it will come! Good luck!

Thank you :) , so far i been doing pretty good in not worrying too much -_- BUT i need to go back to school in January the approval will really help !! need to drive and a car !

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I totally understand, once you hit the one month mark why not call USCIS. You just to check everything is gravy. Once I hit the Month mark after my bios you better believe I will be jamming the phone line .again Good luck! Remember USCIS did take time off for Thanksgiving and weekends lets not forget about those. I now understand the saying patience is a virtue. Keep us posted!! I know you will be getting some good news soon!

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Luna, I agree with Pswa83...maybe it has something to do with them taking your fingerprints??

But on a better note, hearing no news is good because unfortunately bad news travels faster...also more people have been applying so this will cause a delay in processing....relax..I know its easier said than done...

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Hi id like to add my background to this endless waiting approval:

Im 30yo

It's been more than 30 days since my bio appointment

Graduated from a 4yr college

Never got in trouble w the the law

Got here when i was 15yo

Being paying taxes since 2002....

Enter into the US without inspection

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i dont want to scare you with what i'm going to say but here it is.

it could have something to do with your fingerprints from before. now whether the actually charge of "entering w/o inspection" is dropped is a question but also the fact that your fingerprints are in the USCIS and CBP system, it could have thrown up a flag. Once your fingerprints are in the system, they are always in the system. my mother has been in the immigration system since the late 70's.

being patient is hard, trust me. i'm sooo impatient myself. something else you can do is file an e-request with USCIS. maybe that would help too because you dont get much info from the customer service number.

here is the link for the r-request.

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Heres my background:

31 year old ( i was 30 on june 15)

Ive been here since 1993

Currently in school, CSU system

Being paying taxes since 2002

Never went back to Mexico

Biometrics- 9/22 CA office

EAD - still pending

Im just like you Luna, wondering if my background has anything to do with it...BTW what is your permit status?

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Also waiting since September (Bios on Sep 13th).

Service Center: Nebraska


  • 27 years old
  • Came to this country in 2000, when I was 14 years old
  • Came with Tourist Visa, and liked it so much that I stayed
  • Had a Political Asylum case that was denied and was placed in deportation proceedings (never received notice, nor was I apprehended by ICE)
  • Never have been in trouble with the law
  • 4 year degree

Hope this helps cross the T's and dot the I's.


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my aunt is a lawyer an works for da goverment on mexico df.she was planning u.s.a dis year with my grandad ..on april dey had an.appointment.for da app for.dere visa..dey got.denied grandpa lied dat he was never in.cali turns out he sandiego.40 years ago a tiket.. its.crazy dat just cause he lied of not beong never in cali an dat tikey show up in his record i guess wat im trieng to say u cant sneak away with noting to da system...

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I am still waiting also. Our time should be in a month (called USCIS Vermont & they said that if your bio appointment was late sept/mid august and the application was received mid/late September you should be hearing something. Process takes 4-6 months.

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Waiting since my application was accepted 27th(?) (check my signature below for exact dates).. I have never left the States, graduated from Cal and I have absolutely nothing on my record. I came here when I was 15 and I'm 24 as of now.

Also to my knowledge, removal proceedings, deportations can affect continuous residence... :/ are you sure that you being sent back to Mexico is not listed in any records? If you were sent back and if they also took your fingerprints, wouldn't all of that be in the records and possibly counted as removal proceedings?

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pswa83- permit status= day when you get approved. I guess that im not familiar with all the DACA terminology.


It seems that more you wait to turn in your application, the longer it takes for them to process it....

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Thanks everyone for your replies :) regarding the situation back in 02 when i was caught at the border i already mentioned that i consulted with an immigration lawyer and he said that the incident happened more than 10 years ago and the record won't affect my case but it might still show up on my background. Out of all the dreamers I'm sure I'm not the only one who is in this kind of a situation and i think USCIS is well aware of that :) At this point I'm waiting patiently thinking that my application was sent to a different desk for an extensive review :D i guess no news still "Good News" if that makes any sense ;)

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Luna, you should be fine just as your lawyer stated. I, just as you, sent my application on August 18 but mine was received on the 22nd. I had my biometrics taken on October the 5th and just today I received the approval notice. Only god knows what took them so long to review my application. I work for an immigration lawyer and I myself have filed a lot of cases after I sent mine. Ironically, many of the cases that I submitted which were not well-supported got their permits in even three months. I consider my case was well-presented and supported. You should be getting it soon.

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...Also to my knowledge, removal proceedings, deportations can affect continuous residence... :/ are you sure that you being sent back to Mexico is not listed in any records? If you were sent back and if they also took your fingerprints, wouldn't all of that be in the records and possibly counted as removal proceedings?

I beg to differ in regards to removal proceedings.

I was placed in removal proceedings, and if you recall on what Janet Napolitano said, all of the deportations of individuals that pose no risk to society/country would be suspended. Moreover, I was never persecuted by ICE - not unlike some other cases I know about.

Regarding the actual deportation that took place, it seems that Luna sought legal advice and was told that the incident would pose no threat whatsoever to her DACA application/approval.

So everything seems fine.

Luna, everything will be Gucci! ;)

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applied on september 27th did bios on october 30th and im still waithing for something to come up but not losing hope just getting a little anxious lol just hate 6 churros i guess my anxiety is making me hungry lol

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