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Calling USCIS

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Has anyone called uscus offices. My bio were oct.1 and my case status still says initial review. What number do i call and how do i talk to someone there?

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1-800-375-5283. This is the # but I dont understand why youll be calling them, youre at the waiting stage....theyll review your application and approve need to be patient and wait for them to contact you.

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I called the customer service #, they practically don't give out any information and tell people to wait since it has a 90 day processing period. I personally was told to give them a call if I don't receive anything by 11/28. From what I have been reading on other forums and blogs, people are contacting them and putting a service request are being told to wait 15 days for an answer.

^ follow the link to contact them and good luck !

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1-800-375-5283. This is the # but I dont understand why youll be calling them, youre at the waiting stage....theyll review your application and approve need to be patient and wait for them to contact you.

1-800-375-5283. This is the # but I dont understand why youll be calling them, youre at the waiting stage....theyll review your application and approve need to be patient and wait for them to contact you.

I want to call them and see if there is a problem with my case cause its going to be 2 months already and i need an answer :(

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calling really doesnt do much help. they never give me any info other then basic stuff. but not status update or anything like that. they always tell me to make an appointment at a USCIS office.

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A lot of people are applying now that they see that some have been approved, this has pushed back the approval date for those that have been in the system a while, like Rh_ny, and those that are new, that took their bios at the beginning of October, youve got to be one is stopping you from calling but all theyll do is read you back your case status and tell you to at least wait 90 days...good luck.

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Calling in after 90 days will do no good.

The Customer Service Representative might let you file a Service Request for your I-765 since it has a processing time of 90 days, but the Service Request will then be reviewed by an officer and it will be denied. The reason is because the 90 day processing time for the I-765 doesn't start until your I-821D is approved, and the I-821D has a processing time of 4-6 months. There's nothing you can do but wait.


If you do file a Service Request, an officer will review it, deny it and send you this e-mail or letter in the mail.

On 11/15/2012 you, or the designated representative shown below, contacted us about your case. Some of the key information given to us at that time was the following:

Caller indicated they are:

-- Applicant or Petitioner

Attorney Name:

-- Information not available

Case type:

-- I765

Filing date:

-- 08/30/2012

Receipt #:

-- EAC-12-908-96***

Referral ID:


Beneficiary (if you filed for someone else):

-- Information not available

Your USCIS Account Number (A-number):

-- *********

Type of service requested:

-- Approaching Regulatory Time Frame

The status of this service request is:

You have filed Form I-821D, Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and Form I-765 c33 Application for Employment Authorization, which is based on the final adjudication of your I-821D.

We have received your request stating that your I-765 application is approaching regulatory time frame.

The Service cannot make a final decision on your I-765c33 until after a final decision has been made on your I-821D.

The processing time for your I-765 will begin when a final decision is made on your I-821D Form.

Unfortunately, agency guidelines do not allow for the expedited processing of Forms I-821D.

Therefore, your forms will be processed in the order in which they were received. You should hear something from the Vermont Service Center within 60 days of this notice.

If you have any further questions, please call the National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

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i understand you Jose! i just dont get the inconsistency of the time length. There are bunch of people that applied at a certain time and only a couple of them get approved, even though all their application were received at the same time....

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I believe the main reason seems to be the background check.

They need to look into and clear any little thing that comes up during the criminal/background checks.

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You might be, but maybe there were some things that popped up from someone else with a similar name/birthdate.

That's the only thing that I can think of that could be delaying some cases because the applications are reviewed as soon as the background/criminal checks are cleared.

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Jose that was really informative thanks for posting.

@everyone - Just a litte more patience. We all waited at least 5 years for this. Please keep busy, get involved with non-profit projects or help others file DACA. I know the waiting period is nervewrecking and all sorts of thoughts cross our minds but remember everyday you are a step closer. So, start planning for your future. I wished I would have looked into jobs before getting DACA just to get the feel for them and start going to interviews and stuff. It is a lot of work and the job market is super competitive. I got my EAD since Oct 22 and I am still job searching, Anyways good luck to everyone!!!

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i wnet the same date 10/01/12 but you ave to wait there is not much u can do..still have not receive anyting

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