
State of Arizona Sued for refusing to give DACA recipients ID/ DL

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Jan Brewer is an idiot!!!

Immigrant and civil-rights groups filed a lawsuit Thursday challenging Arizona's order to deny driver's licenses to young illegal immigrants who qualify for a reprieve from deportation and a work permit under a new Obama administration policy.

The lawsuit alleges the state treats the immigrants, who are allowed to remain in the country, as unlawfully present. It requests that a federal judge declare unconstitutional an executive order issued in August by Gov. Jan Brewer.

"Arizona's creation of its own immigration classification impermissibly intrudes on the federal government's exclusive authority to regulate immigration," said the lawsuit, which the American Civil Liberties Union and several other groups filed on behalf of five undocumented youths in U.S. District Court in Phoenix. Gov. Brewer and two state transportation department officials were named as defendants.

The Obama administration in June announced that illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. before the age of 16, who are younger than 31 and have lived in the country at least five years can be considered for a deferral of deportation and work authorization to be renewed every two years. They must also be in high school or serve in the military to be eligible.

Gov. Brewer has said that denying driver's licenses is justified because her state's agencies don't grant public benefits to any illegal immigrants.

At least 10,000 undocumented youth in Arizona have applied for the federal program, called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of several young immigrants in Arizona who came to the U.S. as children and who have qualified for the program.

Arizona has been at odds with the Obama administration over illegal immigration since the state passed a stringent law in 2010 to crack down on unlawful residents. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld some provisions of that law.

About 1.3 million youth are immediately eligible for the deferred-action program, including 80,000 in Arizona, according to the Migration Policy Institute, an independent think tank in Washington, D.C.

Write to Miriam Jordan at [email protected]

Here is the full article link didn't work...sorry guys!

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I know I just think that Arizona should really give DL/ ID. It's money going into the economy creating jobs. when I lived in Oregon I was one of the last few to get an I.D before the policy changed. Literally a year to the day, the DMV that serviced me was closed. It's money stimulating the economy, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out. Then again Jan Brewer isn't very bright.

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LOL..ive said it once and Ill say it again, I really think those 80.000 who live in Arizona that qualified for DACA, should get the heck out of there..theyre going to be discriminated over many things...this is just the beginning

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I agree with Itzel. If Arizona keeps closing the doors for all dreamers then they really need to consider pursing their goals somewhere where they are welcomed. I am amazed at how idiotic these people are. Coming from an agriculture based economy state I can see the impact the Hispanic community has. My current bosses have many times said to me without our Hispanic workers we would be nothing in America. When the state tried passing similar laws to the ones in Arizona, they supported the opposing side and in the end the farmers who joined them were able to stop this non-sense. I am grateful for those who appreciate the immigrant community because they demonstrate it is a shame for Arizona to take such stand.

So, all dreamers just seek opportunities where you are appreciated.

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The most logical approach to take would be to leave AZ for neighboring states, or others for that matter. However, we have to take into account the fact that many families live 'day by day,' paycheck to paycheck, and it would be really hard for them to eventually move somewhere else. The move includes expenses such as: transportation, living expenses like deposits and rents, and the income sacrificed by looking for work somewhere else. Therefore, many won't be able to afford it.

Even though the most sound decision would be to move, a significant number of those families are stuck there, and will have to bear the brunt of AZs bigotry and ignorance.

It is very sad that the people chosen to govern a state, are almost a direct representation of the people who chose them in the first place.

That being said, keep suing the heck out of that place!

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