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Hello everyone, My name is Maria and I was born in Ecuador and came to the US when I was 9. I'm very excited to become a part of this forum and to get to chat with you guys about similar concerns we all have. It's really nice to finally be able to "talk" to someone about something so personal and not have to worry about being discriminated against.

So I can't wait to get started and maybe get to know some of you or all of you through this forum. Bye.

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Gracias Rawf, and as for my case I'm gonna vent here a little basically my lawyer mailed out mine and my brother's package on the 27th of August and we didn't get any kind of receipt from the USCIS whatsoever, so finally a few weeks ago I called my lawyer to ask what's going on and it turns out that the check arrived torn so the lockbox mailed our package back. Long story short, we were waiting like idiots for months meanwhile nothing was happening with our case. Anyway my lawyer finally mailed out our package again on the 20th of November and we still haven't got a receipt yet but my lawyers assistant said that she called and everything is fine but they have a backlog of receipts right now and that we should get it soon. And if you're wondering why I didn't ask my lawyer sooner instead of waiting for months well basically we didn't really know how long we were supposed to wait to get a receipt and we didn't know anybody else who applied for daca and I didn't find this forum until just about three weeks ago when I realized something was wrong and I started doing a whole bunch of research to see if i could find answers. So that's my daca story.

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Wow that's insane! I began preparing mine of the day of august 15th and finally finished by late august. I can somewhat understand how you felt. My lawyer didnt send it until mid septmber. This was really upseting, bu it is what it is. As long as you have all your materials and evidence. Better to send late and be prepared then to send early and be rejected or have to wait longer.

Glad your case is now on the run!

anywho, WELCOME Marose!

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Welcome Marose!

Everything will workout for the best ;)

It's nice to have you here!


Thanks Santi I'm happy to be here.

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